Ruiz-Cordova, SergioDuncan, B. L.Deutsch, William G.Gómez, N.2016-04-192016-04-1920060-85199-949-2 only recordThis chapter discusses some of the main ramifications of Cotacachi's unsafe and unreliable water supply. In particular, water is a public health issue, becoming a primary vector for spreading a number of diseases and bacterial infections throughout the watershed. Specifically, the chapter evaluates and explores capacity to manage water systems in Cotacachi through community organizations.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWater policyCommunity institutionsCommunity managementIndigenous communityWater useLocal governanceWater qualityWater pollutionWater supplyPublic healthWaterborne diseasesGovernance WatershedCommunity-based water monitoring in CotacachiAbstractCopyright CAB International 2006