Kashi, Mohsen Gholam-Reza2015-06-292015-06-291988http://hdl.handle.net/10919/53942Specimens from 27 batches of concrete with water to cementitious (cement plus silica fume) ratio of 0.25 to 0.32, with and without entrained air, were tested for freeze-thaw durability in accordance with ASTM C666, procedure A (freezing and thawing in water). In addition, another set of similar specimens were moist cured for 28 days instead of 14 days and tested in accordance with ASTM C666 , Procedure A to determine the effect of curing time on the freeze-thaw durability of high strength concrete. Results show that non air-entrained high strength concrete with water cementitious ratio of less than 0.30, regardless of the length of curing time, is frost resistant. Non-air-entrained concrete with water-cement ratio of 0.32 is also durable if silica fume is not used.x, 134 leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V856 1988.K369Silica fumeConcrete -- AdditivesFreeze-thaw durability of high strength silica fume concreteDissertation