Tu, YunjieSiegel, Paul B.2020-01-022020-01-022015-031011-2367http://hdl.handle.net/10919/96251Wattle length, width, and area were measured to classify bilateral asymmetries in four lines of chickens. The lines were the S26 generation of White Leghoms selected for high (HAS) or low (LAS) response to sheep red blood cells and sublines in which selection had been relaxed for three generations (high antibody relaxed [HAR] and low antibody relaxed [LAR]). Antibody titers (AB) were greater for HAS than for HAR with both greater than for LAS and LAR which while different for males did not differ for females. The low antibody lines were heavier and reached sexual maturity at younger age than the high antibody lines. In general, wattle length, width, and area were greater in the low than high antibody lines. In 24 comparisons for bilaterality 18 exhibited fluctuating asymmetry and 6 exhibited directional asymmetry with 5 of the 6 being for wattle length. There was not a clear pattern for changes in degree of asymmetry when selection was relaxed for 3 generations. For females, the relative asymmetry (RA) of wattle area was larger (p<0.05) for HAR than for LAR and not different from the selected lines and relaxed lines. There were no differences among lines for RA of wattle length and width of females and wattle length, width, and area of males.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 UnportedChickenAsymmetrySelectionWattleStressAsymmetries in Chickens from Lines Selected and Relaxed for High or Low Antibody Titers to Sheep Red Blood CellsArticle - RefereedAsian-Australasian Journal of Animal Scienceshttps://doi.org/10.5713/ajas.14.0410283256562131976-5517