State University of New York at Stony Brook‏University of DelawareVirginia Tech. Aerospace and Ocean Engineering DepartmentColle, Brian A.Sienkiewicz, Matthew J.Archer, Cristina L.Veron, Dana2015-07-282015-07-282015-06Colle, B. A., Sienkiewicz, M. J., Archer, C. L., & Veron, D. (2015, June). The impowr (improving the mapping and prediction of offshore wind resources) project: Evaluation of wrf pbl schemes. Paper presented at the North American Wind Energy Academy 2015 Symposium, Blacksburg, VA. pagesapplication/ CopyrightThe IMPOWR (Improving the Mapping and Prediction of Offshore Wind Resources) project: Evaluation of WRF PBL SchemesPresentationColle, Brian A.Sienkiewicz, Matthew J.Archer, Cristina L.Veron, Dana