Proctor, NicholausGilboy, ElizabethWorley, SamPotter, Abby2021-11-192021-11-192021-09-29 Pound, VA is generally located near the intersection of Main Street and Clintwood Highway. At this intersection is a vacated bank building, which may contain asbestos containing materials and/or lead-based paint and will be cleaned up and demolished. The slope behind the bank is collapsing. The unstable slope has created a health and safety issue as it might include oil tanks and has also compromised the integrity of Church Street, which is located on the north side of the slope. Both of these conditions require that the slope be cleaned up and stabilized. The purpose of this project was to work with the community to create a conceptual redevelopment plan for former bank building property and a conceptual town connectivity plan.Pages 1-7070 page(s)application/pdfenIn Copyrightcommunity designcommunity engagementlandscape archietcturecommunity gatheringPound, VA: Conceptual Trailhead Design for the Former Bank Building Property and Conceptual Town Connectivity PlanReport2021-11-19Proctor, Nicholaus [0000-0003-0984-2119]