Koebel, C. Theodore2014-06-092014-06-091996-04C. Theodore Koebel. "Urban Redevelopment, Displacement and the Future of the American City," Virginia Center for Housing Research Blacksubrg, VA 24061, April 1996.http://hdl.handle.net/10919/48641Prepared for the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond; examines the record of urban development during the last half of the 20th century and identifies community development corporations and public-private partnerships as the potential solution to problems associated with redevelopment and displacement.34 pagesen-USIn Copyrighturban redevelopmentdisplacementcommunity development corportationspublic-private partnershipsUrban Redevelopment, Displacement and the Future of the American CityTechnical reporthttp://www.vchr.vt.edu/pdfreports/redevelopment.pdf