Brossoie, NancyRoberto, Karen A.Teaster, Pamela B.Glass, Anne2011-07-212011-07-212005-04clientSatisfactionSurvey.doc report is an addendum to an earlier report, Elderly & Disabled Waiver Services: Results of a Statewide Client Survey. Since the study’s distribution, further development and analysis of the Client Satisfaction Survey was conducted, with the purpose of creating a short form version to be administered by providers and utilization review analysts of Elderly and Disabled (E & D) Waiver services. Also, a second version of the short survey is presented for use during home visits as a supplement to questions asked of nursing supervisors and utilization review analysts.application/mswordapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightElderly & Disabled Waiver Services: Development of the Client Satisfaction Survey-Short