2020-11-172020-11-172020-11-15http://hdl.handle.net/10919/100878Several points are suggested through this study for the service improvement to operators. Managers should acknowledge the importance of service response time that impacts customer attitudes and behaviors. Response time should be collected specifically for their accurate reports. The service process can be redesigned to shorten response time. Also, operators can give customers extra attention to distract them during waiting. Uncertainty must be eliminated by telling customers what is happening. They promise customers what can be delivered not what customers want to hear. And they can encourage customers to visit off-peak time to reduce waiting time. The waiting time can be used for selling ancillary products. Lastly, service providers should know that there are different needs of waiting customers and serve them with different strategies by observing them.application/pdfCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalHotelHospitalityoperationService reponseImproving Service: Managing Response Time in Hospitality Operations [Summary]Summary