Doig, A.Warwick, H.2016-04-192016-04-1920041 85339 588 9 only recordITDG chief executive, Cowan Coventry, and the director of the shell foundation, Kurt Koffman, call for political action across the developing world. The report is based on the global statement by World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation Development Program (UNDP) to mark the World Rural Women day in 2004. It states that indoor air pollution kills over 1.6 million each year, of which the majority are poor women and children. At the end of this article, there is a link to the full WHO report, which presents the risk factors and why poor women and children are more affected. The report also challenges experts in finding innovative and affordable solutions to reduce levels of indoor smoke.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightAirWomenGenderAir pollutionIndoor air pollutionSmoke - The killer in the kitchen: Indoor air pollution in developing countriesAbstractCopyright 2004 ITDG Publishing