Hardebeck, George Michael Aaron2018-07-122018-07-122018-07-11vt_gsexam:16293http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83929Pulse63 is a live streaming and projection mapping installation at architectural scale developed for Moogfest 2018, in Durham, NC. The project explores the relationship between telepresence and "superarchitecture". This paper will consider the artistic aspects of these terms through the work of Eduardo Kac, Pipilotti Rist, Doug Aitken, and others. The intent is to create a visual installation at Moogfest that works as a monolithic visual signifier by applying artistically mediated telepresence and "superarchitecture."ETDIn CopyrightArchitectureProjection MappingLive StreamingVisual ArtsTechnologyCreative TechnologyTelepresenceSuper ArchitecturePulse 63: Live Streaming and Architectural Projection MappingThesis