Terence, Baker2022-03-142022-03-142022-03-01http://hdl.handle.net/10919/109340United Kingdom government iniated a program called "Leveling Up" which is aimed at advancing social and economic equity. The program is expected to have direct benefits to businesses, including hotels, in the country.Those benefits could come in the form of increased discretionary spending for business owners, as well as a reexamination of government taxes on businesses — or business rates.application/pdfenIn Copyright (InC)Hotels Businesses Hoteliers Leveling up Economic OpportunityUK Economic Strategy Presents Opportunity for Businesses, Including Hotels, To 'Level Up'Articlehttps://www.costar.com/article/1840126399/uk-economic-strategy-presents-opportunity-for-businesses-including-hotels-to-level-up