Scheer, Stephanie Bleckmann2014-03-142014-03-142001-11-29etd-12042001-175131 purpose of this study was (a) to determine which student support service resources should be included in an Online Wellness Resource Center (OWRC) available within an online course and (b) to create a paper-based schematic for such a prototype. To address these research questions, a needs assessment was conducted to determine whether learners perceived a need for access to wellness resources. Finding that they did express this need, the assessment then identified the specific wellness resources to include in the OWRC. A schematic was then created for OWRC development, incorporating the results of the needs assessment. The specific contribution of this study is its ability to provide a model that other institutions can follow to establish their own OWRCIn Copyrightwellnessinstructional designstudent support servicesdistance educationThe Inclusion of an Online Wellness Resource Center Within an Instructional Design Model for Distance EducationDissertation