Weil, Amy Margaret2018-12-192018-12-192018-12-18vt_gsexam:17833http://hdl.handle.net/10919/86446This thesis analyzes the research of various historical and literary theorists in relation to identification of Otherness in three Spanish works: Cantar de Roldán, Cartas marruecas, and La reina del sur. Throughout the thesis, I analyze hwo the discourse of identification of Otherness has progressed throughout these three works. Each work was chosen as a cultural artifact of its time. I begin the thesis with Cantar de Roldán and analyze how variation in faith served as primary demarcation of Otherness. I then analyze Cartas marruecas and how race also becomes an identifier of Otherness; I end the thesis analyzing La reina del sur and the role of racial discourse as the primary identifier of Otherness.ETDIn Copyrightracial discourseSpanish literatureOthernessThe Darkening of the Other: Demarcating Difference in Cantar de Roldan, Cartas marruecas, and La reina del surThesis