Ralat-Sotomayor, Hector J.2011-08-062011-08-062001-07-21etd-12082003-210751http://hdl.handle.net/10919/9650What defines the architectural character of a space? What defines the architectural character of a Detail? What defines the relationship between space and details as Architecture? These questions lead the study of space as a Whole through the investigation of its parts - shape, material, assembly and its surroundings. The investigation examined how the detail influences the space it assembles, how space conforms the structure embracing it and how a structure affects its surroundings. Observing how the Whole evolved through the process was an additional task of the study. The design intended to create among every element a vocabulary apprehensible throughout the entirety of the project. The manipulation of each material, detail and edifice to share this vocabulary developed cohesion among them. This relationship allowed the inhabitant to have a complete perception of the element and Whole's character.1 leaf folded into 54 pagesETDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightCohesionPerceptionDetailWholePartsLD5655.V855 2001.R353An Urban DetailThesishttp://scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-12082003-210751