Iowa State University. Department of Aerospace EngineeringVirginia Tech. Aerospace and Ocean Engineering DepartmentRosenberg, AaronSharma, Anupam2015-07-282015-07-282015-06Rosenberg, A., & Sharma, A. (2015, June). A prescribed-wake vortex line method for aerodynamic analysis and optimization of multi-rotor wind turbines. Paper presented at the North American Wind Energy Academy 2015 Symposium, Blacksburg, VA. objective of this paper is to extend the xed wake vortex lattice method (VLM), used to evaluate the performance of single-rotor wind turbines (SRWT), for use in analyzing dual-rotor wind turbines (DRWT). VLM models wind turbine blades as bound vortex laments with helical trailing vortices. Using the Biot-Savart law, it is possible to calculate the induction in the plane of rotation allowing for a computationally inexpensive, yet accurate, prediction of blade loading and power performance. This paper presents a method for modeling the additional vortex system introduced by a second rotor while taking into account the singularities that occur when the trailing vortices from the upstream turbine interact with the bound vortices of the downstream turbine. Time averaging is done to account for the rotors operating at di different rotational velocities. This method will be used to predict the performance of the DRWT introduced in Rosenberg et al. (2014). This turbine consists of a large, primary rotor behind and a smaller, auxiliary rotor. Blade loading and power performance obtained with VLM will be compared to the LES results of the same con configuration presented in Moghadassian et al. (2015).16 pagesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightA Prescribed-Wake Vortex Line Method for Aerodynamic Analysis and Optimization of Multi-Rotor Wind TurbinesPresentationRosenberg, AaronSharma, Anupam