Moore, Megan O.'Neal2021-06-292021-06-292021-06-28vt_gsexam:31757 the increase in spectrum congestion, intelligent spectrum sensing systems have become more important than ever before. In the field of Radio Frequency Machine Learning (RFML), techniques like deep neural networks and reinforcement learning have been used to develop more complex spectrum sensing systems that are not reliant on expert features. Architectures like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) have shown great promise for applications like automated modulation classification, signal detection, and specific emitter ID. Research in these areas has primarily focused on "one size fits all" networks that assume a fixed signal length in both training and inference. However, since some signals are more complex than others, due to channel conditions, transmitter/receiver effects, etc., being able to dynamically utilize just enough of the received symbols to make a reliable decision allows for more efficient decision making in applications such as electronic warfare and dynamic spectrum sharing. Additionally, the operator may want to get to the quickest possible decision. Recurrent neural networks have been shown to outperform other architectures when processing temporally correlated data, such as from wireless communication signals. However, compared to other architectures, such as CNNs, RNNs can suffer from drastically longer training and evaluation times due to their inherent sample-by-sample data processing. While traditional usage of both of these architectures typically assumes a fixed observation interval during both training and testing, the sample-by-sample processing capabilities of recurrent neural networks opens the door for "decoupling" these intervals. This is invaluable in real-world applications due to the relaxation of the typical requirement of a fixed time duration of the signals of interest. This work illustrates the benefits and considerations needed when "decoupling" these observation intervals for spectrum sensing applications. In particular, this work shows that, intuitively, recurrent neural networks can be leveraged to process less data (i.e. shorter observation intervals) for simpler inputs (less complicated signal types or channel conditions). Less intuitively, this works shows that the "decoupling" is dependent on appropriate training to avoid bias and insure generalization.ETDIn CopyrightSpectrum SensingRecurrent Neural NetworksModulation ClassificationRadio Frequency Machine LearningOne Size Does Not Fit All:  Optimizing Sequence Length with Recurrent Neural Networks for Spectrum SensingThesis