Wang, Xijun2014-03-142014-03-142001-02-26etd-04092001-142628 of the work accomplished on surface blending is based on visual trimming. In the process of visual trimming, the unwanted portion of a surface is only hidden but not removed. Geometric trimming provides a complete mathematical description of the wanted portion of the trimming surface, and generates a new mathematical surface or sets of surface patches. The new surface is intended to resemble closely the corresponding portion of the original surface. A robust procedure is developed to geometrically trim the intersecting surfaces and blend the trimmed surface patches into one new surface. This research generates a filleting algorithm for surface blending of an aircraft fuselage shape and a wing shape at a closed trimming intersection curve, and verifies the properties of the newly created surface. In order to distinguish how well the new surface approximates the original, an error comparison tool developed in MATLAB has been employed.In CopyrightB-splineGeometricTrimmingFilletingGeometric Trimming and Curvature Continuous Surface Blending for Aircraft Fuselage and Wing ShapesThesis