Ratnadass, A.Chantereau, J.Gigou, J.2016-04-192016-04-1919982-87614-304-6http://hdl.handle.net/10919/66415Metadata only recordThese proceedings detail the workshop on sorghum improvement in Western and Central Africa held from 17 to 20 March 1997 at Bamako and attended by about 60 participants, mainly researchers from West and Central Africa NARS, extension specialists (notably from CMDT in Mali) and representatives from CIRAD and ICRISAT. The workshop marked the end of the ICRISAT-CIRAD joint sorghum program funded by the French Ministry of cooperation, CIRAD and ICRISAT.text/plainfr-FRIn CopyrightExtension serviceNatural resource managementPlantsSoil fertilitySorghumCiradIcrisatResearchMaliWeedEcosystem Field ScaleAmelioration du sorgho et de sa culture en Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre: Atelier de restitution du programme conjoint sur le sorgho 17-20 mars 1997, Bamako, MaliAbstractCopyright 1998 Cirad