Alford, EllaBarlow, GrantCummins, NicholasEllsworth, ZoeWilliams, Ross2024-06-132024-06-132024-05-01 product is a learning artifact from the Spring 2024 semester of the Honors and UAP SuperStudio courses (UH-4504, UAP-4914, and UH-4514). Course instructors: Ralph Hall, Nikki Lewis, Anne-Lise Velez, and Daron Williams.Congestion on Virginia Tech’s campus is a growing problem with increased foot, bike, car, and bus traffic. This project explores the source of the congestion, when congestion is at a peak, and why. The main findings center around raw data that finds the peak class times to induce surges of cars, buses, pedestrians, bikes, and micromobility travel. The problem stems from pedestrians and multimodal forms of transport having inconsistent and inadequate signals at crosswalks, causing a backup in traffic. Not only does this decrease the level of safety, but it increases travel time. We explore how to solve this problem by looking at national and international solutions and proposing multiple solutions below.en-USAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalTraffic CalmingCongestionSafetyTraffic IntersectionMultimodal TravelTraffic Calming at Virginia TechStudent paper