Friends of the Earth - Brazilian Amazon (Amigos da Terra - Amazonia Brasileira)Monzoni, M.2016-04-192016-04-192001Presented at the conference Market-based Approaches to Sustainable Forestry Development and Forestry-based Poverty Alleviation: Global Trends and Implications for China, Huang Shan (Yellow Mountain), China, 11-12 May 20012492_Monzoni2001_Market_based_innovation_Braz.pdf presentation describes the physical characteristics of the Amazon region and the ineffectiveness of command and control regulations to address the rapid widespread deforestation that occurs. Several types of incentive-based regulation have been implemented in Brazil to promote protection of environmental resources, such as the Private Natural Heritage Reserve (RPPN), the ecological value-added tax (ICMS Ecológico), tradeable rights for legal reserves, and the Certified Forest Products Buyers Group. These market-based initiatives are described and evaluated.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightDeforestationPayments for environmental servicesGovernment policyLand use managementConservation strategyConservationMarketsEnvironmental lawPESIncentive-based regulationEconomic instrumentsMarket-based initiativesPrivate natural heritage reserve (rppn)Ecosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale GovernanceMarket-Based Innovations for Environment Conservation in BrazilPresentation