Eash, Neal S.Walker, ForbesThierfelder, ChristianMarake, Makoala V.Wilcox, Michael D.Lambert, Dayton M.Basson, August2016-04-192016-04-192012Presented at the Soil Science Society of America annual meeting Cincinnati, OH 22 October, 2012http://hdl.handle.net/10919/70379Metadata only recordThis presentation was given at the Soil Science Society of America annual meeting on October 22nd, 2012 in Cincinnati, Ohio at 11:10 in the morning. Conservation agricultural practices were used in Southern Africa's cropping system to improve soil nutrient, improve food security, sequester carbon, and mitigate green house gases.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightCarbon sequestrationConservation agricultureSoil nutrientsSoil managementSoil fertilityAgricultural ecosystemsFarm/Enterprise ScaleDeveloping sustainable conservation agriculture for smallholder farmers in Southern AfricaAbstract