Franke, Lucas James2023-07-072023-07-072023-07-06vt_gsexam:37888 General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive data privacy law that limits how businesses can collect personal information about their consumers living in the European Union. For our research, we aimed to evaluate the impact that the GDPR has on the open-source community, an online community that encourages open collaboration between software developers. We conducted a quantitative analysis of GitHub pull requests in which we compared pull requests explicitly related to the GDPR to other non-GDPR pull requests from the same projects. We also conducted a qualitative pilot study in which we interviewed software developers with experience implementing GDPR requirements in industry or in open-source. From our research, we found that GDPR-related pull requests had significantly more activity than other pull requests, but that open-source developers did not perceive a significant impact on their software development processes when implementing GDPR compliance. Industry developers, on the other hand, had a more negative outlook on the GDPR, and found implementation to be difficult. Our results indicate a need to involve software developers in the lawmaking process in order to create direct and realistic expectations for developers when implementing privacy policies.ETDenIn CopyrightGDPRprivacydatasecurityregulationUnderstanding the Impact of Data Privacy Regulations on Software and Its StakeholdersThesis