Beck, Jeffrey A.Kim, MiRanSchmidgall, Raymond S.2018-11-082018-11-082018 objective of this study was to recognize the impact on pricing dynamics that elements such as reservation channels, price decision makers, and pricing for same-day and very late (after 11 PM) same-day arrival guests. The data was collected via a random sample from a list of 3,000 hotels provided by Smith Travel Research, with 283 responses being analyzed. Though this is an exploratory study, it fills a need in the hospitality literature for empirical research, as it reveals hotels’ pricing patterns for same-day arrival guests. This study enables managers and scholars to form a better understanding of hotels’ actual pricing for same-day arrival guests. Researchers can thus have a starting point for developing models that can empirically demonstrate what pricing strategies are effective for same-day arrival guests.application/pdfenIn CopyrightRevenue ManagementRoom PricingSame-day Arrival GuestReservation ChannelsPricing Decision MakerThe Pricing for Same-Day Arrival Guests in the Hotel IndustryArticle - Refereed