He, Tianzhi2022-07-242022-07-242021-01-29vt_gsexam:29095http://hdl.handle.net/10919/111345The IoT-embedded smart homes have a high level of home automation and could change many aspects of the residents' daily lives, such as control, convenience, comfort, and energy-saving. The rise of voice-based virtual assistants like Amazon's Alexa, Google assistants in the past five years has brought new potentials to provide occupants with a convenient and intuitive interface to interact with smart homes through conversations. However, the one-way communications in the form of user commands to control building systems does not result in the optimal course of actions. As such, in this thesis, we proposed the concept of proactive smart home assistants and explored the occupants' perception towards smart home assistants proactively providing suggestions to adapt them into energy-saving behaviors. We also investigated the impact of occupants' personal features on their intention in taking energy-saving behaviors. A comprehensive data collection was conducted through online surveys, in which 307 valid responses with participant's personal profile information, their perceptions of smart home assistants, and their feedback to our designed messages were collected. The first manuscript compared participants' responses to traditional plain-text energy-saving suggestions and suggestions provided by smart home assistants. The nudging effect of smart home assistants was justified to be significant in affecting occupant's energy-saving behaviors. Occupant's thermal comfort range, smart home device previous experience, values and beliefs were then proved to have significant impact on their intention in taking the smart home assistant's suggestions. The second manuscript fitted 21 personal characteristics features in machine learning models (SVM, Random Forest, Logistic Regression) to predict occupant's intention and attitude towards energy-saving suggestions. The results indicated that occupant's beliefs about interests in taking actions and beliefs about energy expenses, occupant's education level, residence occupancy type, thermal comfort ranges, and smart home device experiences are important features in occupants' energy-saving behavior intention prediction. This research demonstrates the effect of proactive smart home assistants in human-building interaction as well as the impact of personal characteristic features on occupant's energy-saving behaviors, paving a path to the future development of bi-directional human-building communication.ETDIn CopyrightHuman-Building InteractionIoTSmart HomeSmart Home AssistantVirtual AssistantOccupant CharacteristicsEnergy-saving BehaviorMachine LearningHuman-Building Symbiotic Communication with Voice-based Proactive Smart Home AssistantsThesis