Idol, Travis2016-04-192016-04-192010Presented at the 2010 SANREM CRSP Kick-Off/Annual Meeting, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, 6 May 20104648_Idol_Sustainable_Mangament.pdf presentation describes the research proposal for implementing conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS) in India and Nepal (LTRA-11). In these areas, increasing population, deforestation, and large-scale development are leading to poverty, decreased soil quality, and declining crop productivity. The goal is to collaborate with local farmers, non-governmental organizations and universities to evaluate the cost and benefits of CAPS. Through the use of participatory action research and community-level training, this team of researchers will promote a sustainable production system that will enhance food security and optimize land use.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightParticipatory processesConservation agricultureSoil degradationSoil fertilitySoil qualityFood securityInstitutional capacity buildingEmpowermentLocal knowledgeAdoption of innovationsParticipatory action researchNepalIndiaFarm/Enterprise Scale Field ScaleSustainable management of agroecological resources in tribal societies (SMARTS)Presentation