Froggatt, Mark E.2014-03-142014-03-141995-02-05etd-04072009-040411 of the analytical and computational work necessary for the development of distributed fiber-optic strain sensors using photo induced Bragg gratings is presented. The one dimensional wave equation is solved for a slowly varying sinusoidal modulation of the index of refraction. The solution is found to take the form of a fourier transform for low reflectivity «15%) gratings. As a result, the process can be inverted, and if the phase and amplitude of the reflected light can be measured over frequency, the phase and amplitude of the bragg grating as a function of length can be computed using the inverse fourier transform. These results are computationally verified, and then further analysis of critical engineering parameters is carried out. A measurement system and procedure are described. A method of writing long, low-reflectivity bragg grating is, 65 leavesBTDapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightBragg gratingsLD5655.V855 1995.F764Distributed fiber-optic strain and temperature sensors using photoinduced bragg gratingsThesis