Harper, Shaun R.Harris, Frank2018-05-072018-05-072012-11-01http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83124The report aims to provide a summary of policy–relevant trends and issues concerning Black male college students; to offer a snapshot of current initiatives that aim to address the problematic condition of college success for Black undergraduate men; and to propose a role for policymakers at all levels— institutional, federal, and state—as well as other relevant groups such as the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), and influential organizations such as foundations, community–based organizations, and higher education associations in improving Black men’s educational outcomes and postsecondary degree attainment rates.application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalAfrican American male college studentsBlack studentscollege enrollmentcollege completioneducational attainmentMen of Color: A Role For Policymakers in Improving the Status of Black Male Students in U.S. Higher EducationReporthttp://www.ihep.org/sites/default/files/uploads/docs/pubs/report_black_men_of_color_november_2012.pdf