Greear, EmmaKazmi, Taskeen R.Bankole, Adegbenga A.2022-02-182022-02-182021-12-072168-8184PMC8730794 adults represent a vulnerable population for multiple reasons. This time in an individual's life coincides with many personal and professional changes and challenges. Some individuals may embrace the change, but for those with a chronic illness, this transition may be difficult. As one is navigating decisions that will ultimately impact their future, they must also navigate changes related to their healthcare. Here, we discuss a case involving a transition from a pediatric to an adult rheumatology clinic and the impact on the patient. This case will highlight some of the challenges patients face and will explore how this process could be improved for our patients. For many young individuals, this is the best of times as they are transitioning to an adult but also the worst of times as they must now make adult decisions with adult consequences.Pages e20231application/pdfenCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 Internationalavascular necrosis (avn)child and adolescentcomorbids of sleinflammatory diseaseinternal medicine and rheumatologymed-pedspediatric rheumatologysteroid adverse effectssystemic lupus erythematosus11 Medical and Health SciencesThe Best of Times and Yet the Worst of TimesArticle - Refereed2022-02-18Cureus, Adegbenga [0000-0001-6464-5367]350040482168-8184