Iyer, Ramakrishna Ganesan2015-06-232015-06-231989http://hdl.handle.net/10919/53222The objective of the study was to develop a modeling technique to idealize thin, orthotropic plates into an equivalent grid, suitable for the matrix-displacement method of analysis. The formulation is an alternative to the classical plate theory and finite element method. The grid model is unique compared to other grid formulations in its applicability to plates exhibiting material orthotropy in addition to isotropy and shape orthotropy. Further, the grid model has less members compared to the previous grid formulations. A function was developed to establish the grid member cross-sectional size for various boundary conditions and material properties. The maximum error between predicted and published theoretical and experimental deflections was 3% for plates in isotropic and advanced composite materials. The maximum error between predicted and experimental deflections for wood based composite plates was 20%.xii, 120 leavesapplication/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLD5655.V855 1989.I937Plates (Engineering)A novel grid analogy for transversely loaded orthotropic platesThesis