Hogan, John2018-01-102018-01-102011-11-11http://hdl.handle.net/10919/81668Maximizing Revenues does not automatically mean raising prices, but means reacting to the market, to your competitors to some degree and to the uniqueness of your hotel's clientele. Most markets have some kind of seasonal demand. When it is off-season, some rates naturally tend to drop due to lower demand. A proven practice even in the off-season is to maintain some high rates because rate alone is not the only driver of business to our hotels. Customers choose hotels partially because of price, but also because of location, brand preference, previous positive experience or simply availability.en-USIn CopyrightHigh Demand TacticsExcess Demand TacticsFollow upThink Tank QuestionMaximizing RevenuRevenue Management Should Mean Planning and Action at Every Type and Size Hotel (Part 2 of 2)Articlehttps://www.hospitalitynet.org/opinion/4053754.html