Bhandari, Naina Arvin2014-10-162014-10-162013-04-23vt_gsexam:661 paper compared the perceptions of secondary special education teachers (SETs) and general education teachers (GETs) on collaborative themes using the Schools and Staffing Survey/Teacher Survey (SASS/TS, 2007-2008) from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES). In this study, ANOVAs, independent samples t-tests, and simple linear regression were used to analyze SASS/TS data comparing GETs and SETs on three themes derived from collaboration literature: 1) beliefs and values, 2) roles and responsibilities, and 3) teacher satisfaction. The results showed that there was a statistically significant difference in the perceptions of SETs and GETs on both beliefs and values and roles and responsibilities. This study also found that beliefs and values was a statistically significant predictor of teacher satisfaction for GETs and SETs. Roles and responsibilities was not a statistically significant predictor of teacher satisfaction.ETDIn CopyrightEducationSpecialEducationSecondaryEducationCurriculum and InstructionUsing the Schools and Staffing Survey/Teacher Survey to compare general education teachers' and special education teachers\' perceptions on collaborative themesDissertation