Wunder, SvenVargas, M. T.2016-04-192016-04-192005Editorial, The Ecosystem Marketplace, Katoomba Group 22 March 20052381_Wunder2005_Beyond_Markets_terminology_ma.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/66872What is in a name? Does a rose by any other name truly smell as sweet? Aware that terms such as "markets" and "payments for ecosystem services" have encountered resistance in some parts of the world, the Ecosystem Marketplace asked two practitioners based in Latin America to explore how the concept of "markets/payments for ecosystem services" is being perceived in developing countries.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightCulturePayments for environmental servicesConservation strategyWater useMarketsEconomic incentivesBilateral agreementsPrivatizationReciprocal arrangementsBeyond "markets": Why terminology mattersArticle