Osofsky, Steven A.2016-04-192016-04-192007Presented at a World Bank/FAO workshop focused on global cross-sectoral impacts of livestock, Washington, DC, 29 May 2007978-92-5-105571-72742_Livestock_s_Long_Shadow.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/67118Livestock's long shadow takes into account the livestock sector's direct impacts, plus the environmental effects of related land use changes and production of the feed crops animals consume. It finds that expanding population and incomes worldwide, along with changing food preferences, are stimulating a rapid increase in demand for meat, milk and eggs, while globalization is boosting trade in both inputs and outputs.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightEnvironmental impactsLivestockComacoZambiaEcosystem Farm/Enterprise Scale Field ScaleLivestock's long shadow: Environmental issues and options: A workshopBook