Coxhead, Ian2016-04-192016-04-192001Paper presented at the SANREM CRSP Research Scientific Synthesis Conference, Athens, GA, 28-30 November 2001178_ItTakesAVillage.doc years of failed attempts at centralized control over watershed management (WSM), the conventional wisdom among the donor "community" and many LDC governments themselves has now turned decisively in favor of local approaches. In many parts of the developing world, this shift coincides with the decentralization of numerous other government functions.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightLocal policyWatershed managementGovernment policyEnvironmental lawDecentralizationAbatement costsJurisdictional boundariesLocal administrationWater resource managementRate of natural resource depletionGovernance WatershedIt takes a village to raise a Pigovian tax...or does it take more? Prospects for devolved watershed management in developing countriesPresentationDraft only, please consult author before citing