Virginia TechSchmittmann, BeateJanssen, H. K.Täuber, Uwe C.Zia, Royce K. P.Leung, K. T.Cardy, J. L.2014-01-172014-01-172000-05Schmittmann, B ; Janssen, HK ; Tauber, UC ; et al., May 2000. "Viability of competing field theories for the driven lattice gas," PHYSICAL REVIEW E 61(5) Part B: 5977-5980. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.61.59771063-651X has recently been suggested that the driven lattice gas should be described by an alternate held theory in the limit of infinite drive. We review the original and the alternate field theory, invoking several well-documented key features of the microscopics. Since the alternate field theory fails to reproduce these characteristics, we argue that it cannot serve as a viable description of the driven lattice gas. Recent results, for the critical exponents associated with this theory, are reanalyzed and shown to be incorrect.application/pdfenIn Copyrightsize-scaling analysisdiffusive systemsconservative dynamicsphase-transitionscritical-behaviorPhysicsViability of competing field theories for the driven lattice gasArticle - Refereed Review E