Thompson, C.2016-04-192016-04-192004Presented at the Conference on Interfaces in the Repatriation and In Situ Conservation of Traditional Crops, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga., 30 April -1 May, 2004347_04_sunflowers.ppt the early 1990s, more that 1000 accessions of sunflowers were screened for resistance to rust races 2 and 3 (to which all of the Australian sunflower hybrids were susceptible). Only 10 accessions had any resistance, but Havasupai accessions from the Grand Canyon (e.g.. PI 432512) had high resistance to both races 2 and 3, and to an undescribed Australian strain (Dr. Thomas Gulya, USDA, pers. vomm.)application/ to farmerGermplasm conservationFarmer-donorsPlant explorersGene bank custodians,public plant breedersPrivate plant breeders and distributorsEnd-user farmersConsumersEcosystem Field ScaleFrom traditional knowledge and food security to international tradePresentation