Bhogi, Keerthana2021-09-102021-09-102021-09-09vt_gsexam:32369 the increasing number of wireless devices and the phenomenal amount of data that is being generated by them, there is a growing interest in the wireless communications community to complement the traditional model-driven design approaches with data-driven machine learning (ML)-based solutions. However, managing the large-scale multi-dimensional data to maintain the efficiency and scalability of the ML algorithms has obviously been a challenge. Tensors provide a useful framework to represent multi-dimensional data in an integrated manner by preserving relationships in data across different dimensions. This thesis studies two new applications of tensors to ML for wireless communications where the tensor structure of the concerned data is exploited in novel ways. The first contribution of this thesis is a tensor learning-based low-complexity precoder codebook design technique for a full-dimension multiple-input multiple-output (FD-MIMO) system with a uniform planar antenna (UPA) array at the transmitter (Tx) whose channel distribution is available through a dataset. Represented as a tensor, the FD-MIMO channel is further decomposed using a tensor decomposition technique to obtain an optimal precoder which is a function of Kronecker-Product (KP) of two low-dimensional precoders, each corresponding to the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the FD-MIMO channel. From the design perspective, we have made contributions in deriving a criterion for optimal product precoder codebooks using the obtained low-dimensional precoders. We show that this product codebook design problem is an unsupervised clustering problem on a Cartesian Product Grassmann Manifold (CPM), where the optimal cluster centroids form the desired codebook. We further simplify this clustering problem to a $K$-means algorithm on the low-dimensional factor Grassmann manifolds (GMs) of the CPM which correspond to the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the UPA, thus significantly reducing the complexity of precoder codebook construction when compared to the existing codebook learning techniques. The second contribution of this thesis is a tensor-based bandwidth-efficient gradient communication technique for federated learning (FL) with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Concisely, FL is a decentralized ML approach that allows to jointly train an ML model at the server using the data generated by the distributed users coordinated by a server, by sharing only the local gradients with the server and not the raw data. Here, we focus on efficient compression and reconstruction of convolutional gradients at the users and the server, respectively. To reduce the gradient communication overhead, we compress the sparse gradients at the users to obtain their low-dimensional estimates using compressive sensing (CS)-based technique and transmit to the server for joint training of the CNN. We exploit a natural tensor structure offered by the convolutional gradients to demonstrate the correlation of a gradient element with its neighbors. We propose a novel prior for the convolutional gradients that captures the described spatial consistency along with its sparse nature in an appropriate way. We further propose a novel Bayesian reconstruction algorithm based on the Generalized Approximate Message Passing (GAMP) framework that exploits this prior information about the gradients. Through the numerical simulations, we demonstrate that the developed gradient reconstruction method improves the convergence of the CNN model.ETDIn CopyrightTensormachine learning (ML)Grassmann manifold (GM)full-dimension multiple-input multiple-output (FD-MIMO)federated learning (FL)neural network (NN)Two New Applications of Tensors to Machine Learning for Wireless CommunicationsThesis