The, B. D.Ngoc, H. B.2016-04-192016-04-192006EEPSEA Policy Brief No. 2006-PB33572_The2006_Vietnam_PB3.pdf"This study looks at whether Vietnam could adopt the Payment for Environmental Services (PES) approach as part of its national conservation strategy. Using a pilot study in the country's uplands, it investigates how such a scheme might run and assesses its impact on the environment and on the local people's livelihoods. Through a review of current Vietnamese conservation practice, it assesses the barriers to the adoption of such schemes and the factors that might encourage their implementation.application/pdfen-USFor noncommercial and academic use, users may read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to any content on this website, provided suitable credit and reference is given to IDRC and the original source page.DeforestationPayments for environmental servicesForest managementLivelihoodsEnvironmental servicesConservation planningConservationConservation incentivesNational planningPESPilot trialVietnamForest environmental servicesFarm/Enterprise Scale WatershedPaying for environmental services: A trial in VietnamTechnical report