Osofsky, Steven A.2016-04-192016-04-192007Slideshow podcast. AHEAD (Animal Health for the Environment And Development), 6 August 2007. Available: http://web.mac.com/sosofsky/iWeb/Site/Podcast/Podcast.htmlhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/68185Metadata only record"If local people whose very livelihoods are often closely linked to livestock-keeping, for example, see expanding contact with wildlife as a threat to the health of their animals, or even to their own health in the case of zoonotic diseases, what hope do we have for building strong local constituencies for conservation, something the last several decades have hopefully taught us is sorely needed for sustained success? We obviously ignore local needs and perceptions at our conservation mission's peril.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWildlifeLivelihoodsLand use managementConservationHealthLivestockAheadWcsEcosystemThe "One World, One Health" entry point to conservation and development success: Case studies from AfricaAbstract