Valdivia, Corinne2016-04-192016-04-192008Plenary presentation presented at the XXI Peruvian Association of Animal Production Annual meeting, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Lima, Peru, 15-18 Octubre 20084060_Andes_AdaptacionestrategiasyganaderiaCC.ppt presentation discussed the role of livestock in the Andes in the context of climate change. The multiple roles of livestock and the diverse characteristics of livelihood strategies are presented. The focus of the presentation is on adaptation, though mitigation is also discussed.application/ CopyrightLivestockCambio climáticoAdaptaciónGanaderiaAndesEstrategias de vidaEcosystemCambio Climático y Adaptación: Rol de la ganadería en las estrategias de vida en los AndesPresentation