Morales, C.World Wildlife Fund (WWF)Defensores de la Naturaleza2016-04-192016-04-192006-11-01 only recordThe Montagua-Polochic System is one of the most biodiverse regions within the area, with 63 major rivers originating within the dense cloud forest of the Sierra de las Minas Biosphere Reserve (SMBR). These rivers supply water to a wide range of industrial, agricultural, and residential users which have noticed a decline in the water quantity and quality. There are currently no financial mechanisms in place to collect or distribute fees to protect the upstream source areas.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightWater qualityNongovernmental organizations (NGOs)Payments for environmental servicesSurface waterSubtropicsForest ecosystemsHydropowerAgricultural ecosystemsWater useAgricultureBottling companyPaper factoryHydroelectric plantsSierra de las minas biosphere reserve (smbr)Hydrological servicesWater fundThe Sierra de las Minas water fundAbstract