Excelencia in Education2018-05-072018-05-072017-10-01http://hdl.handle.net/10919/83096Research suggests that diversity on campus—both student diversity and faculty diversity—benefits all students by providing diverse perspectives and expanding cultural competencies for all students, as well as contributing to the persistence and degree attainment of students of color. Latino faculty and all faculty of color also serve as role models and mentors for students of color, and can help those students improve in their academic progress. While Latinos represented about sixteen percent of all undergraduates, they only represented four percent of full-time faculty. This brief provides a summary of Latino faculty and their representation in postsecondary education.application/pdfCreative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalDiversity in higher educationacademic achievementLatin American studentsLatino faculty representationUniversities and colleges--FacultyLatino Faculty in Postsecondary EducationReporthttp://www.edexcelencia.org/gateway/download/30646/1509548351