IIED2016-04-192016-04-192007-08-08http://hdl.handle.net/10919/67045Metadata only recordThe Brantas River plays a significant role in supporting economic development not only in East Java but also for nationwide. A more holistic approach has come forward to the water resource development and management in the Brantas. A stated-owned company called Perusahaan Umum Jasa Tirta (PJT) was successfully established in 1990 with activity to facilitate operation and maintenance of the Brantas River basin and the management of the water resources.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightWater managementPayments for environmental servicesTropical zonesHydropowerWaterIrrigationWatershed managementWater pay feeHydropower electrical stationPdam-perusahaan daerah air minumProposed markets for watershed protection services in the Brantas River basinAbstract