Erenstein, Olaf2016-04-192016-04-192002Soil and Tillage Research 67(2): 115-1330167-1987 only recordThis review article discusses crop residue mulching (CRM), a conservation farming approach that emphasizes groundcover from crop residues (at least 30% groundcover at time of crop emergence). Soil conservation benefits include greater water infiltration, less run-off, more water in the soil profile, and less evaporation. In (semi-)tropical countries, residues typically are a valued resource with multiple productive uses (fuel, fodder, etc.) and thus aren't available to remain as crop mulch.text/plainen-USIn CopyrightConservation agricultureSoil conservationSubtropicsTropical zonesSoilConservation tillageCrop residuesMulchingGroundcoverInfiltrationRunoffConservation farmingTropical and semi-tropical countriesTechnology assessmentField ScaleCrop residue mulching in tropical and semi-tropical countries: An evaluation of residue availability and other technological implicationsAbstractCopyright 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.