Virginia TechTäuber, Uwe C.Akkineni, V. K.Santos, J. E.2013-12-102013-12-102002-01-28Tauber, UC ; Akkineni, VK ; Santos, JE, Jan 28, 2002. “Effects of violating detailed balance on critical dynamics,” PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 88(4): 045702. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.88.0457020031-9007 present an overview of the effects of detailed-balance violating perturbations on the universal static and dynamic scaling behavior near a critical point. It is demonstrated that the standard critical dynamics universality classes are generally quite robust: In systems with nonconserved order parameter, detailed balance is effectively restored at criticality. This also holds for models with conserved order parameter, and isotropic nonequilibrium perturbations. Genuinely novel features are found only for models with conserved order parameter and spatially anisotropic noise correlations.en-USIn Copyrightrenormalization-group treatmentdriven diffusive systemmode-couplingtermso(n)-symmetrical systemsstatistical-mechanicsenergy-conservationcritical-behaviorscale-invariancefield-theory2-temperaturePhysicsEffects of violating detailed balance on critical dynamicsArticle - Refereed Review Letters