Moore, Keith M.2016-04-192016-04-192013Presented at "Examining Opportunities for Linkages in Collaborative Research, Technology Dissemination, and Human and Institutional Capacity Development" CRSP Council , Morogoro,Tanzania, 5-7 March 20136489_Tues_M_14_Moore_SANREM_1.pdf presentation covered the overall objectives and activities of the Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management Collaborative Research Support Program (SANREM CRSP). SANREM’s global focus on conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS) and their design which employs techniques of climate smart agriculture and resilient agro-ecological systems to achieve sustainable intensification were presented as modes of increasing smallholder food security and income and promoting natural resource conservation. Project locations around the globe and long-term research awards within geographic regions were introduced along with the methodological approach to their implementation. The presenter spoke to the success of replicated experiments at multiple project locations, farm scale demonstrations, and the involvement of farmers within program activities. A table displaying the number of institutional partners involved with SANREM projects across the globe was included. Overall accomplishments of the program were quantified in regards to the number of men and women who have been trained, the households that have benefited from program activities, and so forth.application/pdfen-USIn CopyrightFood securitySmall holder enterpriseIncome generationSustainabilityConservation agricultureSustainable intensificationInstitutional partnersSANREMProject locationsResearch awardsFarm/Enterprise ScaleSANREM: An innovation laboratory to improve food security, rural livelihoods and resource conservation globally through conservation agriculturePresentation