Watson, J.2017-10-292017-10-2920171556-889Xhttp://hdl.handle.net/10919/79852Jacques Derrida and Michel Serres challenge the binary logic of Western philosophy very differently, Derrida through a philosophy of discourse, Serres through a philosophy of things. Serres has begun to draw more international readers thanks to a recent shift in critical emphasis from words to things. The difference between deconstruction’s word-orientated acosmism and the newer versions of thing-oriented cosmism can be fruitfully explored by comparing Derrida to Serres on the basis of their readings of Plato’s cosmogony, focused on the figure of chora in Timaeus.28 - 37 page(s)Print, WebenIn CopyrightJacques DerridaMichel SerresPeter EisenmanPlatochoraThe Urban Chora, from Pre-Ancient Athens to Postmodern ParisArticleChina Media Research134Watson, J [0000-0003-2951-6492]