Andreianu, Ioana Lucia2014-03-142014-03-142012-05-01etd-05152012-153637 thesis started as an exploration of spaces created with subtle light changes in atmosphere, spaces created for the sole purpose of lingering in, of relaxing in, during a hot summer day, winter or in a busy day, when all you want to do is get away from it all in a soul-comforting place. Soon after, I realized that these spaces should have no other purpose than their simple existence, thus the idea of pavilions seemed to be the best fit for such a description. After locating the pavilions in Ramnicu-Valcea, Romania, through the exploration of the place memory, the present conditions and materials, the project started to take shape. The final project became a room within an urban setting. The pavilions, a series of five rooms connected by shape and materiality into two buildings, created in between a new plaza, a new urban space, a sixth room.1 volumeapplication/pdfenIn CopyrightroomRomaniasculpturalpavilionurbanLD5655.V855 2012.A537Urban RoomsThesis