Koebel, C. TheodoreEtuk, Efiong2014-06-092014-06-091998-07C. Theodore Koebel and Efiong Etuk. "Improving Management of Assisted Housing Through Tenant Feedback," Virginia Center for Housing Research Blacksburg, VA 24061, Jul. 1998.http://hdl.handle.net/10919/48630This report was prepared for the 1998 Meeting of the International Sociological Association Research Committee 43, Housing and the Built Environment, which focuses on the development of tenant satisfaction feedback measures. Assisted housing provided through site-based subsidies or government ownership creates a monopoly provider. The problems associated with monopoly provision of assisted housing and the elimination of consumer choice has been evident for decades. Property management at some public housing sites deteriorate to such a degree that turning management over to the tenants appeared to be the only solution.20 pagesen-USIn Copyrightassisted housingtenant feedbackpublic housingImproving Management of Assisted Housing Through Tenant FeedbackTechnical reporthttp://www.vchr.vt.edu/pdfreports/isa_pap.pdf