Saunders, Charles Phillip II2014-05-072014-05-072014-05-06vt_gsexam:2883 paper describes the design and simulation of a microwave band, high resolution imaging ground penetrating radar. A conceptual explanation is given on the mechanics of wave-based imaging, followed by the governing radar equations. The performance specifications for the imaging system are given as inputs to the radar equations, which output the full system specifications. Those specifications are entered into a MATLAB simulation, and the simulation results are discussed with respect to both the mechanics and the desired performance. Finally, this paper discusses limitations of the design, both with the simulations and anticipated issues if the device is fully realized.ETDIn CopyrightHigh ResolutionGround PenetratingRadarFundamentalsConceptsLandminesHigh Resolution Imaging Ground Penetrating Radar Design and SimulationThesis